Building Material Prices Continue to Rise

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Is Coating Required?

Yes indeed, we highly recommend that all plywood is coated with a water-based coating to prevent against weathering and wood decay.

From the FWPAA & their guide on specifying preservative treated wood products, the biodeterioration of wood results from attack by biological organisms such as mould. Under environmental conditions, such as the humid Queensland climate, protecting against these organisms is crucial.

If mould does develop on the sheets (uncoated, or on the coating if coated) this can be eliminated with the below products, Wet & Forgot and/or Intergrain Mould Killer.

The risk of decay can be reduced by utilising surface finish coatings, which maintain a low moisture content of the plywood and prevent fungal activity (mould) from occurring.

For applications subject to period & moderate wetting, we recommend the ACQ H3 Treated Pine Plywood or the LOSP H3 Shadowclad.

For recommendations on coating plywood & mould prevention, please visit our resources page.


Whitewashing Plywood

DIY white wash plywood

White washing plywood is a process used both for aesthetic and protective purposes and is such an easy way to create a Scandinavian look. The below video shows how easy the process is, especially if you have some old paint lying around.

For more inspiration, view our Pinterest Board below:

  • unique staircases_plywood stairs with storage
  • Plywood Never Looked So Good: 27 Stunning Plywood Interiors - love the blonde ply.
  • Vitlasering av plywood
  • Dwell - An Inspiring Island Retreat Mixes Scandinavian Style With Japanese Simplicity

Plywood Feature Ceiling Installation


The Only Recommended Cladding

We get many requests for plywood to be used in permanently exposed applications in which the only product we recommend is Shadowclad which is a rough sawn finish 12mm pine plywood with H3 LOSP Treatment to protect against cracking, crazing, and rot & decay.

The issue with normal untreated plywood or marine plywood when exposed to the elements (even if painted) is that the sun affects the moisture level of the top veneer and can lead it to crack and craze as per the photo below. Read more: checking, weather effects & finishing.

If Shadowclad isn’t an option, and an enduring appearance is not a prerequisite, for the best longevity the Australian Made Hoop Pine Plywood which is a durable marine specie of timber would withstand the elements the longest and is manufactured with a permanent A-Bond glue in which the bond will not deteriorate under harsh or wet conditions.

For more information on Shadowclad, please view our product page.

weathered cladding resulting from uncoated and untreated plywood
Uncoated & untreated plywood illustrating Weathering
Grooved shadowclad that will withstand the elements in permanently exposed applications
Recommended – Shadowclad Natural Grooved


A Sustainable Resource

Manufacturing plywood from sustainably managed forests using araucaria seeds

A mini-documentary showcasing Queensland’s Araucaria trees grown under the care of HQ Plantations that make up the Austral Hoop Pine Plywood.

Monarch of the Forest from Simon Woods on Vimeo.


Home Design & Construction from Sustainable

plywood ceiling in a sustainable build

It is a pleasure to feature Brett McKenzie and his team from Sustainable whose passion, knowledge and attention to detail can be seen with their Recipe Housing Approach which focusses on Sustainable Home Design & Construction.

He speaks fervently about the benefit not only to the homeowner but to the wider community of the importance of common sense, sustainable long-term design and construction. With the intent on constructing inspiring buildings far from the monoculture that is common in today’s society with its new estate housing stock. He believes this approach significantly benefits the wellbeing of the community through focusing upon taking into account the current environment, giving rise to a blended demographic and supporting diversity.

Key focus points include the flexible pod design which saves energy and reduces build time whilst focusing on the passive elements allowing the homeowner to live in a more cost-effective home, diluted over a longer period of time. There is great emphasis upon the value of volume over square metres, such as opening up the home with high ceilings allowing in more passive light, and efficient placement of windows to take advantage of natural breezes. Reducing heating and cooling costs during the summer and winter months, whilst at the same time maximising the roof’s exposure to the sun for renewable energy generation from the solar panels.

Feel free to contact the award-winning team to explore your Sustainable home design & construction and view their latest project in Zillmere “Recipe on Crowley” in the YouTube below.


Commitment to the Arts & Broader Community

We are pleased to have contributed to the fabulous work of Joshua Wilkinson and his team who hand made 14 harps from ECOPly CD Structural Pine Plywood for the Vivid Festival 2019.

Photos by Timothee Lambrecq Website Instagram

Design & production by Joshua Wilkinson Website Instagram


How is Plywood Made?

Making plywood sheets

One popular question we get asked is “how is plywood made?” We hope the video below gives an insight into how a sustainably grown tree is transformed into a strong aesthetically pleasing sheet of plywood.

The fundamental process of making plywood has remained the same for many years. Once the sustainably grown logs have been cut to size, they make their way through the mill for rotary cutting.

Thin veneers are cut and unpeeled from the log, scanned for imperfections and then trimmed into shorter lengths for processing. After the veneers have been processed through a dryer to remove excess moisture, they are then sorted to the individual grades, imperfections in the wood are patched to improve finish quality and appearance.

The prepared veneers are then glued together under first a cold press. Following this, a combination of glue, immense pressure and heat are applied to transform layered veneers into plywood sheets. Finally, the sheets are trimmed to standard sizes.

For both sustainably grown and eco-friendly Australian Made Plywood, we recommend Austral Plywood and CD ECOPly ranges.

Please see the below video below for more information.


Vanuatu Villa Refurbishment

Plywood, Vanuatu Plywood, Kokoda Hardwood Plywood, Appearance Grade Plywood, Hardwood Plywood

Sustainably grown Kokoda Hardwood Plywood used in a Vanuatu Villa Refurbishment.

The plywood was chosen specifically for its appearance and H2 properties which provide a level of protection against attack from termites & borers.

With plans provided by the owner, the plywood was cut to specification, packed and shipped to Vanuatu within days.

School Hall Refurbishment

Hoop Pine Ceiling and Walls

Customer Spotlight: We are pleased to highlight the amazing Ithaca Creek School Hall Refurbishment completed by Blackwood Projects. We supplied Blackwood with Austral Premium Hoop Pine Plywood and they created this impressive refurbishment by using both slotted and solid hoop pine.


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