We are open: Monday – Thursday 7:30am – 4pm & Friday 7:30am – 1:00pm


The information provided herein is believed to be accurate but is not warranted to be, whether it originated with Plywood and Panel Pty Ltd or not. Much of the information contained in this website originates from suppliers; this information cannot be warranted by Plywood and Panel Pty Ltd to be correct or appropriate for the recipient’s intended use. Recipients are advised to confirm in advance of need that the information is correct, applicable and suitable to their circumstances.

The technical and physical properties described in this web site represent average values determined using industry accepted test procedures. We believe that these statements are accurate and reliable. These values are subject to normal manufacturing and testing variations and may change without notice. No warranty, guarantee or responsibility is either expressed or implied on our part. This information is provided only as a technical service and customers are strongly encouraged to test the materials for each application prior to purchase.

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