Our treatment options include sheets that are already treated in ACQ CD & Shadowclad.
However, if you would like other sheets treated, we offer H3 LOSP, H4 CCA & H5 CCA envelope treatment for plywood for specific applications as listed in the table below.
An extract from the FWPA’s Guide to the specification, installation and use of preservative treated engineered wood products:
Hazard Class | Exposure | Specific Service Conditions |
H2 | Inside, above ground | Protected from wetting and no leaching |
H3 | Outside, above ground | Subject to periodic moderate wetting and some leaching |
H4 | Outside, in-ground | Subject to severe wetting and leaching |
H5 | Outside, in-ground contact with or in fresh water | Subject to extreme wetting and leaching and/or where the critical use requires a higher degree of protection |

Please work on a minimum one-week lead time.