What Happens to Plywood Outside?
Many people ask us if they can use plywood outside for walls and other applications.
It’s okay to use given it has an A-Bond Marine glue line, however it is subject to weathering as per the below photo.
So, if you would like to maintain the appearance, smooth plywood isn’t the best option when fully exposed, even when painted as per the below image on the left.
The face veneer can craze even if painted as the sun changes the moisture level in the top veneer leading it to expand and contract creating the lines you can see below.
If you want to use plywood outside and it maintain it’s appearance, we recommend the Shadowclad which is rough sawn (helps to prevent crazing) as well as it being treated.
With formply, which already comes with painted edges, if you are to cut the sheets as per the below photo on the right, we highly recommend that the edge is repainted as moisture
